October 05 2020
Over the past month or so I've been teaching myself how to use a multitude of new tools in order to get this website up and running.
I have had some experience with backend web development in the past, using tools like Flask, nginx, and Postgresql, but I wanted to try my hand at full stack development. This meant learning how to use HTML and CSS, so I figured if I was learning a few new things might as well go all out right? So instead of using Flask, nginx and Postgresql again I decided to learn how to use Django, Apache, and sqlite. I also figured I should learn how to use AWS to host since it's such a popular service to use.
Trying to learn this many new things all at once was a little overwhelming at first, but once I got over the initial learning curve everything just starting clicking into place. And that is exactly why I enjoy programming so much. At first it's a challenge, which can be frustrating sometimes, but once everything starts coming together at the end it all becomes worth it.